Why Women-Only Tours are on the Rise

Travel trends are ever-evolving. One trend gaining momentum is women-only tours. These tours cater specifically to women, offering unique experiences. They're designed with safety, comfort, and camaraderie in mind.

In this article, we delve into why these tours are on the rise. We'll explore the benefits and what makes them appealing to today's female travelers. And we’ll detail why we decided on a female only tour for our first Walking Wild group tour to Kenya.

The Growing Popularity of Women-Only Tours

Women-only tours are seeing a surge in popularity. This rise is partly due to an increased interest in solo female travel.

These tours offer a safe and supportive environment. They allow women to explore the world without the usual concerns. They also provide opportunities for bonding and shared experiences. This aspect is particularly appealing to many women.

The trend reflects a broader movement towards women empowerment and independence. It's a testament to the changing dynamics of travel.

Female solo travel is on the rise.

What Are Women-Only Tours?

Women-only tours are travel experiences designed specifically for women. They cater to the unique interests and needs of female travelers. These tours often include activities tailored to women's interests. They range from cultural exploration to wellness retreats.

Led by female guides or hosts, these tours provide a sense of security and understanding. They offer a unique travel experience that is both empowering and enjoyable.

Key Benefits of Tours for Women Only

One of the main draws of women-only tours is the safe and supportive environment they provide. These tours address safety concerns that are particularly relevant to female travelers.

They also offer a sense of community and camaraderie. Women can connect with each other, share experiences, and form lasting friendships. These tours can also be very empowering. They allow women to take on challenges in a supportive setting, boosting confidence and self-reliance.

Safety and Comfort

Safety is a key concern for many female travelers. Women-only tours address this by providing a secure environment.

These tours are often led by female guides or hosts, adding to the sense of safety and understanding.

Tailored Experiences and Activities

Women-only tours often include activities tailored to women's interests. These can range from cultural exploration to wellness retreats.

These tours offer unique experiences that might not be as easily accessible in mixed-gender settings.

Empowerment and Independence

Women-only tours can be empowering. They allow women to take on challenges in a supportive setting.

These tours can boost confidence and self-reliance among participants. They provide a space for women to grow and learn.

Why Women Choose Solo Travel

The rise in women-only tours is partly due to an increased interest in solo female travel. Women are seeking out travel experiences that cater specifically to their needs and interests.

These tours offer an opportunity for women to travel without the dynamics that can come with mixed-gender groups. They provide a space for women to explore and experience the world on their own terms.

Moreover, solo travel can be a transformative experience. It can lead to personal growth, self-discovery, and a newfound sense of independence.

The Role of Community and Camaraderie

Women-only tours often foster a sense of community and camaraderie among participants. They provide a supportive environment where women can connect, share experiences, and form lasting friendships.

This sense of community can enhance the travel experience, making it more enjoyable and memorable. It can also provide a safety net, especially for those who are new to solo travel.

A Range of Options: From Luxury to Budget

Women-only tours cater to a wide range of budgets and preferences. They can range from luxury experiences to more budget-friendly options.

This flexibility allows women to choose a tour that best suits their needs and financial capabilities. It also makes these tours accessible to a wider audience.

Why We Chose our Kenya Tour to Be Women Only

As a female myself and the host of the tour, i too want to feel comfortable, safe and empowered with the people i’m hosting on these adventures.

With this feeling got me thinking about how i like to travel and who i wanted these trips to be for. Walking in the wilds of Africa can be an incredibly intimate experience, it can bring up a lot of feelings, you’re reconnecting with the world and nature and with that comes a rawness. It’s an incredible experience and to allow for women to have this adventure amongst other women, where they can connect, uplift and encourage one another in an environment that they feel they can embrace their womanhood felt like an important element to bring to these trips.

I hope to embrace it further as we expand on our tours, finding women owned camps and female guides. However Kenyan guides are still majority male and the Maasai warriors are still the safest people to walk through the wilds of Southern Kenya with so we do have men guiding and walking with us on these trips. Its safety first!

See our itinerary for our Women’s Only Kenyan trips.

On a recent trip to the Maasai Mara

The Future of Women's Holidays

The rise in women-only tours reflects changing societal norms and the growing independence of women. These tours are likely to continue gaining popularity as they cater to the unique needs and interests of women travelers.

In the future, we can expect to see even more innovative and diverse offerings in this niche travel sector. This trend is not just about exclusion, but about creating a tailored and empowering travel experience for women.


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